Cherry announces partnership with Adamant Mine! It is Cherry’s entry into the world of cryptocurrency and NFTs

Cherry also wants a piece of that Axie Infinity money

You know how games like Axie Infinity have taken the Philippines by storm? Well… it seems like Cherry wanted a piece of that pie and in order to do that, the company has partnered with Adamant Mine.

Adamant Mine is a cryptocurrency game like Axie Infinity. The game is simple. You’re a Shiba Inu trying to dig for precious minerals in which one of them is called “Adamant”. Each time you dig, it will cost you energy. The more you dig Adamants, the more you earn. There are also diamonds that reap even larger rewards. There are also hazards like bombs that you should really avoid. In order to play, you need to connect your crypto wallet through MetaMask. If you don’t have a wallet yet, then you can create one. It uses its own cryptocurrency called “Adamant Coin” (ADMC). Just like Smooth Love Potion (SLP), you can buy, trade, and sell ADMC on various cryptocurrency markets, and you can also check out its evaluation there.

Cherry’s partnership with a game like Adamant Mine is a surprising move for the company. This means they are interested in entering the world of cryptocurrency and has plans to compete with other P2E games such as Axie Infinity.

“This strategic alliance will elevate the connection with our community to new heights and underscores Adamant Mine’s primary goal of raising its profile in the decentralized finance DeFi space where we want to pursue new, innovative, and
attractive prospects in markets throughout the world”
says Dominic Go, Fintech Adamant Intelligent Solutions Inc., CEO.

Source: Cherry, Adamant Mine