Calibri has been the default font for Microsoft Office for nearly 15 years now, it has replaced the Arial font family as the default font for Microsoft Office Suite, and now, Microsoft is looking for a replacement for the old font.
There are currently 5 chosen candidates for the replacement of Calibri:

All the new fonts, like Calibri, are based on a modern Sans-serif style, so they don’t look out of place.
Tenorite is a font created by Eric McLaughlin and Wei Huang is probably the most traditional and “default-like” looking one out of the five. It feels similar to Calibri albeit modernised.
Skeena is a font developed by John Hudson and Paul Hanslow, this one is more stylised than Tenorite and feels similar to Candara
Bierstadt, created by Steve Matteson, is a font inspired by 20th-century Swiss typography. The font definitely feels Germanic and the font has some subtle softening to avoid a “grotesque-like” font that other fonts have. One example of this is Helvetica. The font also draws contrasts to Arial, which was Microsoft’s previously default font. Bierstadt is named after a mountain in Colorado, USA which reminded Steve of the Swiss Alps.
Seaford is a font created by Tobias Frere-Jones, Nina Stössinger, and Fred Shallcrass. Seaford invokes a classic sans-serif style font to which many are familiar with. According to TheVerge, this is also the best font to use for long documents.
Grandview is a font created by Aaron Bell. This one is the slimmest of all the sans-serif fonts presented and the most unique. It seems like this font is going for a style similar to Consolas, albeit more refined and having thicker strokes so that it feels right at home for document-writing. The font is inspired by German road and railway signages and is designed in such a way that it is highly legible. This is the font that works best for PowerPoint presentations.
As such, Microsoft is also asking its users what font should replace the ageing Calibri, so Microsoft will release these five new typefaces in the next version of Microsoft 365 so everyone has a chance to try them before a default font could be crowned. Microsoft will create a poll and let users vote which of the five is deemed worthy of the default font. Once a font was chosen, the new default font will first make its debut on Microsoft 365 next year.
Source: TheVerge
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