Instagram does not have a proper PC switch up until this point, as most of their features are focused on mobile and mobile-only. Facebook, on the other hand, has many features friendly to PC.
According to a tipster from Twitter, there have been leaked images that Instagram is finally integrating features on PC. Just in time for Mark Zuckerberg’s 37th birthday. In the photos, it appears that this PC integration works in a similar fashion when you upload photos on Facebook. Yes including the “Instagram Stories” shorts.
There will be UI changes for the desktop app as well as new features being implemented. Right now it shows that you can upload pictures by dragging and dropping them, and you can do simple edits such as cropping, colour correction, adding filters, etc.
The new UI is being tested internally and is currently unknown when is the final version release of it. Some of the details shown may change or removed entirely.

PS: There’s a simple trick you can do to make Instagram work on PC, open “Inspect Element” (F12) and then press the “smartphone” icon. Before closing inspect element, make sure to refresh it first (important, the mobile version will not be implemented unless refreshed first), and voila, you finally have the mobile version of Instagram on PC and almost all functions of the mobile app have been integrated. This works for both Edge and Chrome. You may need to redo this everytime you log out or switch accounts.
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