But is that all true? That’s a bold claim from Cherry

Cherry released a new product for their Cherry Home line of AIoT products called the Smart Air Purifier Max and the Smart Air Purifier Ultra. According to Cherry, these two products can help kill viruses that cause COVID-19, otherwise known as “SARS-COV-2” and its variants.
The reason for this bold claim is that the purifiers are certified to have a 99.8% PM 2.5 Purification rate.
The main highlights of these air purifiers are their medical-grade filters, which includes a H13 HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) Filters that can kill any virus or microbe that are as small as 0.01µ size. In comparison, COVID-19 viruses measure a large 0.1µ. The air purifiers also have negative ions that help prevent flu and the common cold.
According MD Anderson Cancer Center, UV light kills viruses while air purifiers trap these virus particles in the air so that the air you breathe in will be clean and almost virus or bacteria free. Combining both is the most effective way to neutralize different microbes and viruses.
While the air purifiers that Cherry claims can kill COVID-19 viruses, take note it take some time. The purifier must be activated during long periods of time for it to successfully and effectively kill COVID-19 viruses. Approximately 99% of viruses can get killed by the air purifiers so as long it’s activated and running for a long period of time.

As stated earlier, SARS-COV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus 2) size is somewhere around 0.1µ which is in the lower end of HEPA’s spectrum and can effectively block up to 99.5% of viruses, including COVID-19 viruses. So while filters cannot block ALL the COVID-19 viruses (some 0.05% can evade the filters), it’s a pretty viable option for use in homes or offices, at least better than the handheld ones since these filters are bigger in size.
The Smart Air Purifier Max with SAP-1000 can cover a room as large as 72sqm, while the Ultra with SAP-3000 can cover a room as large as 90sqm.
Below are the prices, and links to purchase them:
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