
Amalga Group CEO Jens Erik Gould Discusses the Future of Nearshore Outsourcing in Recent Interview


Jens Erik Gould, the founder and CEO of Amalga Group, is excited to have been featured in an exclusive interview in which he discussed the future of nearshore outsourcing

AUSTIN, Texas, Feb. 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Amalga Group, a Texas-based nearshore outsourcing company, is pleased to announce that CEO and founder Jens Erik Gould was recently featured in an exclusive interview.

In the interview, Jens Erik Gould discussed the future trends of nearshore outsourcing. He possesses keen insight into this topic, as Amalga Group specializes in staffing for software engineering, contact centers, and IT.

While nearshore outsourcing has been around for many years, Jens Erik Gould mentioned that growth in the sector sped up during the COVID-19 pandemic. Remote work was a necessity when the pandemic began, and then it quickly caught on as a more viable way of doing business.

As a result, U.S. companies began to accept nearshore outsourcing as beneficial. They also realized that it had become easier thanks to the proliferation of technologies such as virtual meeting software and communication platforms.

"Companies began to realize the value of diversifying their offshore operations with nearshore workers," said Jens Erik Gould.

While growth in the nearshore sector slowed a bit in the past year—due mainly to the economic slowdown—activity is expected to pick back up this year and next, according to Jens Erik Gould.

This is already starting to play out in new trends across the industry. For instance, U.S. companies aren’t just turning to Latin America for outsourced staff augmentation—they're also setting up separate business entities in countries like Mexico to hire IT and BPO consultants.

“In many ways, these companies are serving as the ‘Mexican affiliates’ of U.S.-based companies,” said Jens Erik Gould. "This is proof that companies see tremendous value in the talent Latin America has to offer."

Mexico in particular has been a source of manufacturing outsourcing for years now. However, it (and other Latin American countries) has been growing tremendously in popularity for IT nearshoring in recent years.

Jens Erik Gould predicted that more and more U.S. companies will set up shop in Latin America in the future, mainly due to the "shortage of great talent in the United States."

"There are not enough engineers in the United States. There just aren't," said Jens Erik Gould.

While many U.S. industries lack the necessary talent to fill open positions, this issue has been particularly pronounced in the IT sector, he added.

"It's not even about cost in some cases. It's not about trying to save money," said Jens Erik Gould. "It's about looking for great developers, too. And many companies can't find enough of them in the United States."

The demand in and of itself is driving companies to nearshore outsourcing, where they can find the talent they need to keep their projects on track.

Jens Erik Gould’s full interview can be found here.

About Jens Erik Gould

Jens Erik Gould is the Founder & CEO of Amalga Group, a Texas-based nearshore outsourcing company specializing in providing highly qualified talent in IT, software engineering, and contact centers. Previously, Gould spent over a decade reporting on topics such as business, politics, and energy in the United States and Latin America for esteemed media outlets like Bloomberg News, The New York Times, and TIME Magazine.

About Amalga Group

Amalga Group, a Texas-based nearshore outsourcing firm, delivers cost-effective talent in IT, software engineering, and customer service. Their top-tier Latin American team aids U.S. companies in healthcare and tech, helping to maximize efficiency and minimize costs. Going beyond typical outsourcing, Amalga Group adopts an on-demand talent model, providing flexibility for rapid workforce scaling. Backed by seasoned professionals, their strategic services drive measurable growth for clients of all sizes.

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Amalga Group
Austin, TX

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