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Windows 7 and 8.1 will receive their last update

Seven is just not a lucky number this year. First with OnePlus and now with Microsoft

The default wallpaper for Windows 7

It’s been a decade since the launch of the fan-favourite Windows 7. This new version is a significant improvement over Vista with better stability, less bugs, and loads of customization options. The latter was not necessary but it’s cool because it helps define the personality of a user’s PC. It has been one of Microsoft’s greatest operating systems released and you could also still find computers in several businesses running it.

You know what they say “Don’t be sad because it’s over, smile because it happened”. Great things do come to an end. Today, Microsoft has officially laid Windows 7 and 8.1 (but we don’t talk about that one) to rest. While saddening news for many, it’s not surprising, as it is the inevitable. Microsoft announced the departure of Windows 7 early. Also, programs like Chrome has already ended their support for Windows 7 long before Microsoft did officially kill it.

Microsoft announced the EOL of these two operating systems early but there are still some enterprises and small businesses holding on to it. And so, Microsoft announced the Extended Security Update (ESU) which allowed Windows 7 and 8.1 to live another 3 years (although it came with a fee). The ESU has expired today.

There are still plentiful apps that support Windows 8.1 but give it a few months, they too will soon stop supporting it. After all, Windows 8 and 8.1 are hated by fans and they have simply waited for Windows 10 to come out. Windows 10 proved to be a success and was lauded as a significant improvement over 8 and 8.1. Meanwhile, the current version, Windows 11, seems to be on the same road as Windows 8. It was a mixed bag and was plagued with stability issues and bugs.

Source: TheRegister, NoypiGeeks

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