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Japan broke the Internet Speed Record! The latest record is 319 TB/s!

That’s the power of anime and weirdness. Also engineering.

Japan has managed to break the already world record-breaking 178TB/s documented less than a year ago. The new world record of 319TB/s was made possible by connecting several lines of optic fibres measuring more than or around 3000km long. This record is almost twice as fast as the previous record and is miles faster than NASA’s internet speed record of 622Mb/s. On average, NASA gets about 400Mb/s which is still 40x faster than any household in the US can use.

This research was presented on a paper at the International Conference for Optical Fiber Communications. It was explained that this record was achieved through modern fibre infrastructure with modifications.

This record was accomplished through modified optic fibers. Instead of using the standard cores ISPs used, the engineers behind this record-breaking speed used four cores that transmit into glass tubes housed within the optical fibres. These signals are then broken down into several wavelengths sent simultaneously using a technique called Wavelength-Division Multiplexing (WDM). To carry even more data, researchers used a ‘rarely’ used third band extending the distance the wavelengths can go through several optical amplification technologies.

The new system goes through this process: It uses a 552-channel comb laser fired through various wavelengths. This is how the transmission starts. Next, in order to create signal sequences, these wavelengths are sent through dual polarization modulation– in such a way that some wavelengths go first before others. Each of these signals are directed into one of the four ‘cores’ of the optic fibres. After that, signals travel through the optic cable system with a length of about 70KM, until it hits the optimal amplification to strengthen the signal while it travels through the wire. This signal goes into one of two amplifiers: One that is made from erbium and the other in thulium, before continuing on its way to a process called “Raman Amplification”.

Finally, after this long process, the signal sequences are sent into another optic fiber and then the entire process repeats.

To simplify, It uses laser technology to turns wavelengths into signals which are then amplified in order to strengthen the signals’ lifespan and boost them, thus attaining this exceptionally fast internet speed record. With this process, researchers managed to send data with a staggering long distance of 1,864.7 miles (around 3000KM).

Through integration of existing technology with a newly created one, the researchers managed to defeat the already amazing and mind-blowing record of 178TB/s

Source: Interesting Engineering

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